Taylor Drew

hello new blog

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!

This is a project I've started many times before without a lot of success on several different WordPress sites—all of which no longer exist. The first was a free blog I set up when I first came to Japan in 2015 as a student. I'd seen so many blogs by other exchange students and thought it'd be pretty exciting. The only problem was that I didn't think that anything I was doing was very exciting, so I quickly stopped doing it. I've tried since to make several paid sites that focus on my reading and writing book reviews. There were a lot of problems with that, most of which came down to the fact that I was extremely worried about making the "perfect" site even though it was just something that I wanted to do for fun. WordPress has always just also been really overwhelming to me—too many options and menus.

That being said, as my career has progressed, the need to actually have a consistent space of my own on a continually nightmarish internet has become more necessary. Social media is less reliable all the time, even though it still has its useful moments. I wanted somewhere to list my work that was easily accessible and also where I could just muse about books (or whatever else I want to talk about). Given that I'm a translator, having both of these things in the same place has always made the most sense to me.

Which brings us to now. On the recommendation of an online friend (who I recently met!), I decided to set up a website using Bear Blog, and I'm really liking so far. I don't really have any coding knowledge, which limits what I can do and makes certain aspects somewhat trial and error, but it also keeps choices limited—lowering the barrier to entry significantly! As time goes on, I may or may not learn how to make the site a little unique, but for now this is exactly what I need and I'm so happy about it.

I'm really looking forward to sharing what I'm reading and whatever else I want to talk in detail about (games? anime? we'll see), so stay tuned for that if it's something you're into. Anyway, bye for now and happy blogging!

Updated 3 days ago
